Botox treatments

Indications: anti wrinkle therapy., asymmetry, Botox therapy after illness, insured, operations, mimic corrugation, Migraine, tic, hyperhidrosis, vaginizm, incontinentia, night scrunch, chronic nose-dripping


I. Traditional Botox Treatment

With the traditional and fameaus treatments of Botox, we block the mimic muscles. (Only with suitable attendance.) Those who accountable of the wrinkles and the mimic mistakes. The Botox specialist could help to change the mimics, for example he could lift up the eyebrow. (With this treatment the countenance will be youngish and the field of vision will be better.) It is possible to lift the floppy face, or to blokk the “bunny lines” (bunny lines form when we wriggle our nose, squit or smile) and Botox treatments can make a lot of correction. If we use the Botox treatment for migraine or for “tic” it is also good for anti wrinkle therapy. In the other hand BOTOX therapy could stop the chronic nose-dripping and the excessive underarm sweating. We would like to high lighted that for good results always chose a “BOTOX specialist”, because it is a special metod.

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We can use Botox for lot of purposes nowdays:

Our guarantee is over 20 year observation and thousands of satisfied patients. So you can be sure that Professio Clinic only do high-quality work. You also have to know that in Hungary we was among the first who do BOTOX therapy, which is now the most common wrinkle cure all around the world. Our Clinic always have the new plastic procedures because of continuous training. We are also proud to develop our clinic to a Hungarian BOTOX Centrum. With more than 20 years experiences we have more than 30 type of therapy! (As you can see in this website.)


botox kezelés botox kezelés

botox, botox kezelés, botox ráncfeltöltés botox, botox kezelés, botox ráncfeltöltés

If it necessary we could complement the BOTOX therapy with other plastic surgery therapy

BOTOX therapy could help for many people low price, and low risk, and they needn’t facelift wich is high cost, lengthy recovery times, high risks of complications. BOTOX therapy and Hyaluronic injections can postpone the major surgery for 10 to 20 years. Now, we use lot of minimally invasive treat-ments.You don’t need to do allergic tests before fill up lips or wrinkles, because the dermal fillers are “body-friendly”.

For more information about wrinkle filling check out our website at aesthetical process. BOTOX therapy should be given only by a trained medical professional. If your BOTOX given by a trained medical professional, than you will not loose all your mimics, so it will be more natural! You can look 10 years younger with BOTOX!

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II. Mimic correction with botox therapy

The many faces of BOTOX

The Botox therapy could be able to help a lot of patients who had psychological problems (workplace or relationship problems) of the mimic. The Botox therapy could help a lot of mimic or other pathological problems.

1. BOTOX Treatment for Mimic problems botox, botox kezelés, botox ráncfeltöltés botox, botox kezelés, botox ráncfeltöltés

2. Lifting eyebrow (It is a really common symptom to lift up the eyebrow, this will helps to raise the eyebrow. An eyebroe lift usually create a more feminine or youthful appearance.) botox, botox kezelés, botox kezelés botox, botox kezelés, botox kezelés

3. Lifting up the eyebrow (it usefull for visual fields consruction.)

4. More "open eye" (It helps the patient from Ázsia. In this occasional we combined the two procedures above.)

5. Correction of the "round eye" (it can able to correct the plepharoplastic if they took out excessive skin.)

6. Correction of "Bunny lines" (it is helps to correct the nasal bridge wrinkles.)botox kezelés, botox kezelés, botox nyuszi redők, botox kezelés botox kezelés, botox kezelés, botox kezelés

7. "Wide nose wing motion" correction (If it is disturbing the breaths.)

8. Correction of the "Flashing Top gums" (We can correct the flashing top gums with BOTOX if it disturb the patient.)btxinnye btxinnyu

9. Correction of the upper lip (The cramp of the lip can be disturbing) Lip enhancement can be performed at many areas of the lips.

10. Correction of the wrinkles of the upper lip (It can be disturbing that the muscles cause crinkle)btxajak1e btxajak1ut

11. Lip shaping (The lip shaping could change the form of the lip) Lip enhancement can be performed at many areas of the lips. Lip augmentation targeting the fleshy part of the upper and lower lip, for volume, pout and fullness.)

12. Correction of smile "Catherine Zeta Jones" smile (Botox therapy can create a nice smile, like the famous actress has.)

13. Correction of "Marionette Lines" and clinging of cheek (Sad lines from corner :Corners of the mouth called the oral commussures, the lines and folds that develop on the corners of the mouth usually become more prominent with time and can make you look grumpy, tired or sad. However these lines can be easily treated by BOTOX injection.botox, botox kezelés, botox szomorú ajakszél botox, botox kezelés, botox szomorú ajakszél

14. Correction the hanging skin on both sides of the face (BOTOX therapy could help to lift up with the dominance of the mimic muscles.)

15. Correction of the “Mickey Mouse wrinkle” (We can reeducate the two lines next to the lips.)botox, botox kezelés, botox mickey mouse ránc botox, botox kezelés, botox mickey mouse ránc

16. Cellulite is a condition in wich the skin appears to have areas with underlying fat deposits, giving it a dimpled, lumpy appearance. It is most noticeable on the buttocks and thighs, and usually occurs after puberty. Cellulite is also known as orange peel syndrome. Although cellulite can affect both sexes, it is much more common in females. With BOTOX therapy we could reeducate the orange peel syndrome.

17. Correction the "Angry chin" BOTOX can be safely injected in the lower part of the chin to relax the mentalis muscle and create overall smoother skin in the chin area.

18. Correction of the “Hole in the chin”

19. Pokerface BOTOX can help gamblers to hide their poker face during games.


III. Asymmetry

20. Correction for the genetically Asymmetric features (BOTOX can be a great answer for genetically asymmetric features.btxaszimv btxaszimu

Facial asymmetry is common in humans. Right-left differences occur everyehere in nature e.g. right and left handedness. But it could be dis-turbing if the genetically asymmetry is excessive.

Facial asymmetry is common in humans. Significant facial asymmetry causes both functional as well as esthetic problems. When patients complain of facial asymmetry, the BOTOX therapy could help. Some of theses asymmetries are embryonically or genetically determined ans encoded in the central nervous system. Trauma, child accident, or some disease can cause Facial asymmetry! As we get older and older the facial asymmetry could be more and more visible.

BOTOX injections should be given only by a trained medical professional, even when used for cosmetic purposes. If your BOTOX given by a trained medical professional, than you will not loose all your mimics, so it will be more natural! You can look 10 years younger with BOTOX!

IV. Botox Treatmens after Operations

21. Botulinum toxin blocks nerve activity in the muscles causing temporary reduction in muscle activity.

Arcműtétek után az egyik legkellemetlenebb tünet, az izomműködés megszűnése, elsősorban idegsérülés miatt. Az idegi sérülések gyógyulás akár évekbe is telik, és a regeneráció révén a beidegződés helyreállhat. Ezen időleges, vagy végleges zavaró tünetek esetében is igen jelentős segítség lehet a Botox kezelés. Amíg a sérült ideg és az által az izmok funkciója helyreáll, addig (az aszimmetria elkerülése érdekében) az ellenoldali izmok működésének fékezésével, lehet redukálni az aszimmetriát

22. Inprove operations results

Igen gyakran előfordulhat, hogy a páciens nincs eléggé megelégedve, vagy egyszerűen fokozni szeretné a műtéttel elért eredményt. Ilyenkor kézenfekvő lehetőség a Botox kezelés, mellyel a műtéti eredményt lehet korrigálni, vagy egyszerűen tovább szépíteni. Szinte az össze sikeres esztétikai műtét után alkalmazható az eredmény tovább fokozására.

23. "Premedication" berofe the other treatment.

Sokszor észleljük azt, hogy a beadott injektábilis implantátum elmozdul a beadás helyéről, ennek oka a túl erős mimikai izomfunkció. Amennyiben módunkban áll Botox terápiával ezt megszüntetni, akkor ezzel megoldhatjuk e problémát.

24. Botox correction of other problems(For example after the injurens.)

BOTOX injections should be given only by a trained medical professional, even when used for the purposes. The best way to have perfect BOTOX therapy is Ivanics’s precision BOTOX therapy!


BOTOX is a purified form of botulinum toxin A known best as a wrinkle treatment, but it has suprising medical uses.



V. BOTOX for Migraine

Botox injections are an NHS treatment option in parts of the UK to help prevent chronic migraine. BOTOX is effective at preventing headaches in adults with chronic migranes. The Migraine Trusts says BOTOX may offer a safe and effective preventative treatment option to help people with chronic migraine manage their migraine and improve their quality of life. Research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2012 found BOTOX injections provide modest benefit for migraines and headaches.

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Chronic migrane is defined as headaches occurring on 15 more days each moth, at least half of wich have migrainous features.

As we know botulinum toxin works by blocking the nerve signals that cause muscles to contact, it typically lasts three to four months. Botulinum toxin blocks nerve activity in the muscles, causing temporary reduction in muscle activity. BOTOX is a purified form of botulinum toxin A known best as a wrinkle treatment, but it has suprising medical uses. It is really important that BOTOX injections should be given only by trained medical professional, even when used for cosmetic purposes. Your BOTOX injection may be given into more than one area at a time, so it is important to know the anatomy.

Migraines are painful, debilitating headaches, those who had, know this. People with chronic migraines experience these severe headaches 15 or more days each moth. Quality of life is greatly affected by this disorder. BOTOX treatment is a chance for relief.




Boutulinum toxin type A is a powerful poison that’s safe when used in small doses. Our guarantee is over 20 year observation and thousands of satisfied patients. So you can be sure that Professio Private Clinic only do high-quality work. You also have to know that in Hungary we was among the first who do BOTOX therapy, which is now the most common wrinkle cure all around the world. Our Clinic always have the new plastic procedures because of continuous training. We are also proud to develop our clinic to a National BOTOX Centrum. With more than 20 years experiences we have 30 therapy! (As you can see in our webpage) A tiny amount of botulinum toxin can be injectes into muscles involved in a particular tic to relay them, For example, it can be injected into muscles ans reduced the tic. However, the effect of botulinum toxin injections only lasts about three months!




As we can saw that Nicole Kidman had an embarrassing problem on the Oscar gala, (she was sweating, and her clothes was perspiring) not surprisingly, that after this incident many TV personalities, actors and model use BOTOX to cure the heavy sweating. Sweating can be em-barrassing and it may complicate business and social interactions. After each injection treatment, it can help patients with their sweating for 3-6 months. Botulinum toxin, is a treatment for heavy sweating.It can be use for treating excessive sweating of the underarms, band may also use it on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.
BOTOX injections are being used to cure excessive sweating. BOTOX is used treat cervical dystonia (sever spasms in the neck muscles) muscle spasms in the arms and hands, and severe underarm sweating (hyperhidrosis)

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You will get the result at about 1-2 weeks after haing the treatment. The result lasts up to 201 days or 6-7 months. Then your symptoms will return gradually, and you will known when the time is right for another treatment. It is recommended to have the treatment every 6 months to receive the best possible results with the treatment. A plan for regular follow-up treatments to maintain the intial result can be created for you.

Other excessive sweating:
Botulinum toxin, is a treatment for heavy sweating.It can be use for treating excessive sweating of the underarms, band may also use it on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.

Experience about an operation:
On of our patient had an experience, and she shared with us. She had an BOTOX treatment in our clinic, and she like it very much, but she tought that it is to expencive fot her, so she tried the operation. For armpit sweating an option to remove the sweat glands in the armpit. There are various techniques. One tecnique is to remove the sweat glands from the underside of the skin though a small hole cut in the skin. It is called suction curettage. She was came back to our clinic and share with us her opinion, and she ask BOTOX again, because the operation was not successfull. Her opinion was, that the operation cause for her more problems, than the excessive sweating. She told us, that her scab after the operation really disturb her.

That’s while they use "BOTOX" for this case, in all over the word! Our guarantee is over 20 year observation and thousands of satisfied patients. So you can be sure that Professio Private Clinic only do high-quality work.



Vaginismus Treatment using BOTOX

It is a part of a multimodal vaginismus treatment program that is successful in the treatment of vaginismus. Vaginismus is both a physical and a psychologic disorder. The physical nature of vaginismus relates to spasm of the entry muscle of vagina, it is making penetration pan. When sex seems impossible, the BOTOX therapy could be able to help. The BOTOX injections help reduce spasm of the entry muscle combines with progressive dilation under anesthesia to help stretch the tight muscle.

Urinary incontinence

Lot of older people has this problem, because the muscle of the bledder is stronger than the bledder sphincter. The Botox treatment we can reduce the muscle of the bledder, and we sesult harmony between the two muscle systems.

"Gnashing of teeth at night"

Botox treatments can reeducate the gnashing of teeth at night. It could be a really big help for those people who had this problem at night, also for the partner.


Botox treatments are help to reeducate also the runny nose.



The cosmetic effect of BOTOX was first documented as early as 1989 and was approved by the FDA in 2002. It is now regular used my many, both male and female. Botox is a drug made from a neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum called botulinum toxin. It is used medically to treat certain muscular conditions and cosmetically remove wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing muscles. Botulinum toxin's main claim to fame is that it will appear to iron out wrinkles and lines in aging faces. More than just a vanity product, it can be useful for treating a variety of medical conditions ranging from eye squints to migraines, excess sweating to leaky bladders. There are currently over 20 different medical conditions that botulinum toxin is being used to treat with more being discovered regularly. Botox change the way of all plastic surgery procedures. BOTOX gives 10-20 years more before the face surgery.

  • Botox, Vistabel, Botox cosmetic (OnabotulinumtoxinA or botulinum toxin type A)
  • Dysport (AbobotulinumtoxinA or botulinum toxin type A)
  • Bocouture, Xeomin (IncobotulinumtoxinA or botulinum toxin type A)
  • Myobloc (RimabotulinumtoxinB or botulinum toxin type B

    • Our guarantee is over 20 year observation and thousands of satisfied patients. So you can be sure that Professio Private Clinic only do high-quality work. You also have to know that in Hungary we was among the first who do BOTOX therapy, which is now the most common wrinkle cure all around the world. Our Clinic always have the new plastic procedures because of continuous training. We are also proud to develop our clinic to a National BOTOX Centrum. With more than 20 years experiences we have 30 therapy! (As you can see in our webpage)



      Table 1. The Ivanics' "invers rules" of Glabellar Botox therapy

      Safety rules that seemed to be logical previously, but are harmful in the case of Botox therapy

      The newly developed inverse rules using Botox therapy

      A. The agent can be dosed more precisely if it is highly diluted!??

      Diluting deactivates the agent, thus dosing cannot be judged. Greater quantity gets further. Instead of high dilution, a precise syringe is needed!!

      B. The patient has to be in a horizontal position in order to avoid the effect of gravity!??

      If the patient is lying, the solution will flow towards the orbit because of gravity, therefore the patient should be seated during the therapy, and should not lie 6 hours after the treatment!!

      C. The patient should apply a massage to promote fast absorption!??

      The patient must not massage, because the agent will get further!!

      D. The treated part of body should be rested after the injection

      The muscles have to be moved, because it helps the absorption of BTX!!

      Don’t hesitate to call us, for help or if you would like to check in for our free visit!
      cellphone: + 36 20 3640 900
      0036 212 006; 0036 224 0427
      e-mail: [email protected]

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